Credit Optimizing
Lender Compliance
A quick tour of Lender Compliance items that if left uncompleted can results in your business loans and credit applications being declined.
Reporting Trade Lines
From a business credit perspective you should strive to have at least 10 reporting trade-lines on your business credit reports. Of the 10 reporting trade-lines you acquire 5 of those should be vendors offering products or services your business needs on Net Payment terms..
Business Credit Scores
Business credit scores now play a major role in business financing and have become the determining factor in how much your business gets approved for, what interest rate you pay, and what length of payment term you receive.
Becoming Bankable
When your business becomes bankable that means you have separated personal credit from business credit and established a business entity that can stand on its’ own for financing.
Business Credit Building Tutorial
Why building strong business credit scores, that are separate from you personally has become more important than ever.
Vendor Credit Lines Tutorial
What getting approved for reporting vendor lines of credit means to your business and how it helps secure other business financing.

Unsecured Business Financing

Business Finance & Credit Building System

Business Finance Pre-Qualification